Sheet Music Transpositions

Music in the key you need

New! is now offering any of our previously transposed public domain works for sale online! For more information and to peruse the catalog, head on over to the store page.


"QuickTranspositions rocks! I will definitely continue to use them for my music and I'm telling all my friends." - Joyce L. specializes in high-quality music transpositions with a fast turnaround. I will take your music and move it to whatever key you require, while preserving every aspect of the original (dynamics, chord symbols, foreign language lyrics, page turns, etc). I will also work with you to determine what the best key might be, given your voice type or instrument needs. In addition, I will let you know if your requested transposition will cause any complications in the accompaniment (range, fingering, etc).

When the transposition is finished, you will receive the music in your email as a PDF file. Payment is easily accepted by credit card through Paypal or by Venmo and Zelle, as well as personal check.


How it works

1 - Send me your music

Send scans or photos of your music by email to or use the email form on the contact page. You can also send a link to public domain music online at a site like

2 - Confirm the price quote

Once I look at the music, I’ll respond with a cost estimate and turnaround time. Most transpositions are completed within 2 business days. Piano-vocal music is generally $15/page, single page orders are $20/page, and orchestral music is $20/page. Final quotes are dependent on the density and complexity of the music.

3 - Submit payment

I’ll email an invoice through Paypal, which you can use to pay for the transposition with your credit card (no account necessary). I can also receive payment by Venmo, Zelle and personal check, just ask for information on those payment methods.

4 - Receive your transposition

Once the work is completed, I will email you a PDF file of your transposition. And if you need any adjustments or edits to the score, let me know and I’ll be happy to send you a new version. If you need additional keys for an existing order, each new key will be $20.


 Other services

I also provide standard music typesetting services. Do you have an original manuscript to engrave, or part extraction and cleanup on an orchestral score? Contact me for a quote on your specific project. For more information, please email me at